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پست ها ارسال شده توسط bds110

  1. بعضی از دوستان  العوذ بالله جای خدا نشستن حکم صادر میکنن کی  مسلمان کی کافر  اصلا طرف بی دین شما مگه جای خدا نشستی حکم میدی  بردارم 


    همه هم  شدن کارشناس دین و متخصص سیصد سال مطالعه کردن  درباره اسلام  و شیعه  

    • Upvote 3

  2. n5.jpg


    در مورد پهپاد هم به نظر ch4 باشه


    [url=]thumb_276473298.jpg[/url] [url=]thumb_859537502.jpg[/url]






    [url=]thumb_a004602d-4e76-498e-9512-f4d16a08b2[/url]  [url=]thumb_20140407151429.jpg[/url]




    Wing Loong


    [url=]thumb_Pterodactyl_I_medium-extended_long[/url]  [url=]thumb_Pterodactyl_I_medium-extended_long[/url]

    • Upvote 6



    تو شهر ما همین چند وقت پیش ، یک دزدی نصف شب رفت خونه ی یکی ، طرف هم باهاش درگیر شد و به هر ضرب و  زوری بود دزده رو زد بعد زنگ زد پلیس که آقا دزد آمده ... همین چند وقت پیش قاضی محترم دادگاه صاحب خانه رو به جرم ضرب و جرح دزد عزیز به پرداخت 15 میلیون تومان دیه محکوم کرد ...


    حالا اجرای حکم شرع می شه توحش !؟  یا اینکه بیای به نفع دزد صاحبخانه رو محکوم به پرداخت خسارت کنی می شه حقوق بشر و حقوق شهروندی !؟


    ماده 268 قانون جدید مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1392

    برای سرقت حدی 14 شرط( از الف تا ژ)  گذاشته که مجرم باید تمام این 14 شرط داشته باشد اگر یکی از این شرط ها برقرار نباشد  این حکم قابل اجرا نیست

     هر کس دزدی کرد دست شو قطع کنن نیست عامو 

    • Upvote 2

  4. ظاهرا دوتا RF-4E بوده 



    دو فروند جنگنده ترکیه سقوط کرد
    دو فروند جنگنده اف 16ارتش ترکیه عصر سه شنبه در بخش جنوب شرقی ترکیه سقوط کرد.



    Two Turkish warplanes crashed during a training exercise on Feb. 24 in the central Turkish province of Malatya, killing all four crew, the military said.

    Contact was lost with the RF-4E reconnaissance aircraft after they took off from Malatya air base on Feb. 24 evening for planned night training, a statement on the Chief of Staff's website said.

    "Search operations were immediately started. At 2045 the wreckage of our two planes was discovered and unfortunately four pilots have been martyred," the statement added. No reason for the crashes was given.

    The planes came down in Akçadağ district, more than 150 km (90 miles) north of the Syrian border, a military source told Reuters.

    Interior Minister Efkan Ala confirmed that four soldiers were killed in the incident but did not elaborate on the reason of the crash.

    National broadcaster NTV reported that an accident might have occured during the formation flight of the two warplanes. Local eyewitnesses, on the other hand, cited bad weather conditions.

    Turkey has the second largest armed forces in NATO and in recent years its fighter jets have played an active role in patrolling its troubled borders with neighbouring Iraq and Syria. In 2012 the Syrian air force shot down a Turkish RF-4E over the Mediterranean.




    • Upvote 1

  5. 2015-02-06_11-50-07.png





    Fajr-1 (Sa-Iran)
    Dimensions: mass 60...65 kg
    Photo reconnaissance; Iran defence complex
    Orbit: 350 - 450 km; 55°; with extra cold gas motor




    Fajr-2 (Sa-Iran)
    Dimensions: mass 50 kg
    Photo reconnaissance; Iran defence complex
    Orbit: 350 - 450 km; 55°; with extra cold gas motor




    Fajr-3 (Sa-Iran)
    Dimensions: 49 x 35 cm; mass 52 kg
    Photo reconnaissance; Iran defence complex
    Orbit: 350 - 450 km; 55°; with extra cold gas motor




    • Upvote 14

  6. Analysis: Iranian ICBM claim falls short of the mark

    Jeremy Binnie, London and Sean O'Connor, Indianapolis - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
    29 January 2015


    Key Points
    Iran is not preparing to launch its new satellite carrier rocket, as claimed by Israeli media
    The liquid-fuel rocket cannot be classified as an ICBM due to its small payload capacity




    Airbus Defence and Space imagery showing how the rocket gantry at Iran's new satellite launch vehicle (SLV) facility is designed to move over the launch pad to assemble a rocket (1 January 2015 image below) and then retract to a safe distance for the actual launch (27 October 2014 image above), at which point the SLV

    would be visible next to the umbilical tower. (CNES 2014, Distribution Airbus DS / IHS)



    Claims that Iran is preparing to test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) are based on incorrect analysis of a satellite image showing the new facility at the Khomeini Space Centre in Semnan province.

    The claim was first made on 21 January by Israel's Channel 2 on the basis of an undated EROS-B satellite image of the new facility that was probably taken sometime in 2014. It was then picked up by several other outlets.
    • Upvote 4

  7. دوستان فعال در موضوع سوریه  عکس های بیشتری از این رادار  توسط تروریست ها به غنمینت گرفته شده  ندارن 

    تصویر در چه زمانی و درکجا  گرفته شده ؟

    اصلا چنین تصویری صحت دارد ؟


    The Type-120 radar the rebels captured.






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